Genetically encoded biosensors in grapevine for studying abiotic stresses
Yuri Luca Negroni 1, I. Doro 1, E. Barizza 1, A. Jones 2, J. Rowe 2, R. Waadt 3, R. de Michele 4, A. Costa 5, M. Zottini1
1 Dept Biology, Padova Univ., Padova, Italy
2 Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge Univ., Cambridge, UK
3 IBBP, Münster Univ., Münster, Germany
4 IBBR-CNR, Palermo, Italy
5 Dept Bioscience, Milano Univ., Milano, Italy
Plants are continuously exposed to abiotic stresses especially due to extreme weather events that are now more frequent than ever, as a consequence of global climate changes. Once the plant is exposed to stress, the intracellular homeostasis is altered and the release of different mobile signaling factors, such as ROS, calcium and hormones (SA and ABA), is triggered, In the last few years, the interest in these stress response mechanisms is increasing. Understanding the molecular players involved and their dynamics could help us find innovative solutions for aiding crop plants in their battle against harsh environmental conditions. Among crops, grapevine cultivation is an economically relevant sector for several Mediterranean Countries. Genetically encoded fluorescent protein sensors can be used to follow the kinetics of different intracellular signal in vivo upon exposure to various stimuli. Generation of grapevine lines harboring ABA, Ca2+ and H2O2 sensing probes, will allow us to better understand the dynamics of these signaling factors under the exposure of grapevine on abiotic stresses, deepening our understanding on how in crops can be enhance the plant resistance to stress.

Grafting as a new strategy for endophyte transferring in grapevine
I. Doro 1, Y.L. Negroni 1, T. Alberto 1, A. Tonello 2, S. Marcato 1, B. Baldan 1, E. Barizza 1, M. Zottini1
1 Dept Biology, Padova Univ., Padova, Italy
2 DAFNAE, Padova Univ., Padova, Italy
Grapevine is a perennial woody plant of global economic importance. In the field, grapevine is colonized by endophytes, which are bacteria or fungi that reside in plant tissues and promote plant growth. Grafting is a common practice for grapevine propagation and trait improvement, so we want to verify whether it can be used to mediate the transfer of endophytes in plants of interest to improve their growth. In this contest, grapevine plants populated by specific endophytes are used as rootstocks in the grafting procedure of grapevine plants lacking that endophytic population. To demonstrate the efficiency of endophyte transfer, GFP-labelled endophytic bacteria are inoculated in endophyte-free plants that are used as rootstock for endophyte-free grapevine plants. At different times after grafting, stems and leaves of the plant to which the bacteria should have been transferred are analysed by confocal microscopy.