New milestone for the Prosit Project! For the preliminary stage of drought tolerance tests the plants are now at the LANDLAB, platform of a Vicenza-based company specialized in development of
New milestone for the Prosit Project! For the preliminary stage of drought tolerance tests the plants are now at the LANDLAB, platform of a Vicenza-based company specialized in development of
Plant microbiomes in sustainable viticulture 1Doro I, 1Negroni YL, 1Barizza E, 1Tamborrino A, 2Tondello A, 1Marcato S, 3Carra A, 3Crucitti D, 3De Michele R, 1Baldan B, 4Lehad A, 2Squartini A,
Plant microbiomes in sustainable viticulture PROSIT Padova – 22 June 2023 – Department of Biology, Fiore di Botta Aula 3B
Several cultivable endophyte strains have been isolated from grapevine from Sicily and Algeria! The next step will be to generate different consortia to inoculate Pinot Noir plants.
After four months of generating lab-grown cuttings from Sicilian (Nero d’Avola and Grillo) and Algerian (Moscato and Ahmar Bouamar) field grapevines, they are finally ready for grafting! For each variety,
Our project is in the local newspaper of Padua (Il Mattino di Padova)! The PROSIT project is increasingly sharing its visibility at the level of the Veneto region (Italy). Arousing
Our project is again on the local news! The research proposed by the PROSIT project has generated more and more interest in Italian local media (TV7 in Veneto region). UNIPD: